Blog List of known Urbit apps
Jeremy Tunnell at
The ability to install and launch apps was released in late 2021, so there are a few simple apps which have been released that you might like to try out for fun.
The urbit foundation has released a catalog of public urbit apps.
- ~dister-hatryx-lastud/page - Host a webpage on the public internet.
- ~paldev/pals - A VERY basic friends app
- ~paldev/face - Another VERY basic friends app
- ~hastuc^dibtux/zone
- ~mister-dozzod-dalten/gora - An accountability asset. "Group members check in on Monday with what they want to have done by Friday," he said. "If so, they get this week's %gora. Been great."
- ~paldev/picture is a favorite because he puts his kid's ultrasound in there. "Every day I get reminded that I have a daughter on the way." (Congratulations to ~minder-folden!
- ~dister-dotnet-ritpub-sipsyl/urchatfm - 2-way video calling
~tiddys-sammut-posnev/headline - Urbit-native RSS feed aggregator
~dister-hosted-labweb/ursr-client - Speech recognition client for Urbit
~laddys-dozzod-dalton/gora: A proof of attendance app created by Dalten Collective. Issue your own tokens for just about anything.
Jeremy brokers the sale of galaxies and stars. To purchase or sell a galaxy or star contact him at [email protected]