Blog Urbit Community Update - July 2022

Jeremy Tunnell at

0 - Grants

Holium has recently announced their App Dev Summer, which includes five bounties to be completed before Assembly 2022 as a reward. Check them out in this thread.

1 - Urbit Developers

We have a brand new developer site which includes re-organized documentation, a re-written Hoon School, and brand new Lightning Tutorials to get new developers started.

App School Live is now underway, as well as the Assembly Hackathon. There's still time to get involved in both!

There will also be a brand-new, monthly, developer-focused newsletter called [battery payload], which you can sign up for here.

2 - The Ecosystem

This week we've launched a new Ecosystem section on Here you'll find a directory of Urbit organizations, marketplaces, applications, and podcasts, as well as a monthly Spotlight section which highlights some of our favorites.

This month, we feature Tirrel's Studio, Other Life's podcast with the Urbit Foundation's Neal Davis, and the Mars Review of Books. Check it out.

3 - OTA

An over-the-air update forUrbit OS v2.124 went out in mid-July – if you haven’tupgraded your binaries to v1.9, you’ll need to in order to get the latest OTA.

4 - Applications

~nocsyx-lassul released the very cool sphinx application, which enables p2p submission and search for urbit content.

Assembly Capital launched moon management application Houston.

Reciprocal Ltd. released Channel, a decentralized, anonymous image board. Check it out, anon.

5 - Marketplaces & Hosting

OpenSea now displays planets, stars, and galaxies in dedicated collections, Tirrel launched Planet Market. Urbithost is joining Tlon.

6 - Livestreams

~wolref-podlex gave an inaugural fireside chat livestream, discussing Assembly, and more. ~lagrev-nocfep hosted a developer call with Holium

7 - Blog Posts

~poldec-tonteg published two insightful blog posts on The Combine DAO and Pseudonymous Reputation, covering novel approaches to core DAO issues of today.

8 - Misc

Unofficial conference Reassembly is happening August 4–6th in Wyoming. More speakers are being added to the Assembly lineup. We’re now posting on Instagram.

Jeremy brokers the sale of galaxies and stars. To purchase or sell a galaxy or star contact him at [email protected]

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